Thursday, July 3, 2008

pre-trip thoughts

the time is quickly approaching.... i leave in 2 weeks from YESTERDAY!! i'm so stoked i can hardly stand it but at the same time, if i'm completely honest, i'm nervous. but its a good nervousness. i'm not a naturally spontaneous person. i typically enjoy order, details, check lists, etc. this trip embodies really none of that. this trip is about going with the flow, being completely flexible to go wherever we want, whenever we want, living out of a single bag, and channelling our inner hippie and be total free spirits :)
when i think about what it will be like when sarah and i land in paris i have no idea what to expect. i picture us stepping out of the airport, looking around trying to spot the eiffel tower, and saying "umm, ok, lets go in that direction" :) and for some unknown reason i look forward to that! i love that i'm embarking on this trip totally naive. a blank slate. nothing to taint it. i don't want to go with too many preconcieved notions about what it'll be like. all i know is that if tons of other people can do it, then so can i!
people have tried to throw out advice - which i heed greatly. but others come with a more pessimistic worldview and say that people are rude or mean in this country or that, and that all europeans hate americans. and first of all, if an american busts over to europe acting like they're the shizznit then yeah, i'd probably hate them too ;) but i refuse to buy into those stereotypes. sure, some people aren't the most pleasant people in the world, or they simply woke up on the wrong side of the bed. we all have our moments, no matter what country we're from. i'm just really stoked to experience life in so many different countries! to see how they do things, interact with people, go to church in gigantic catherdrals, talk to strangers and hear about their lives, etc. i want to learn from others. i want to embody and respect their culture. let's break the stereotypes one person at a time...


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you and all you will see! I'm so happy you are finally doing this for yourself!
Remember Everything!
Love, Lindo Bo Cootie

Anonymous said...

Jode,=) The best things I have done, are doing things that are out of "the comfort" zone. You will be so happy you did it! I met people in New York, from Dublin, New Zealand, and Italy, they were so fun, so nice, so incredibly interesting. I believe most people all around the world are exactly that. Praying for a safe trip for you-be smart and wise-Love you, DebbieJ

Jack Jackson said...

If you keep this blog up-to-date... you'll NEVER get any sleep. 8-) Can't wait to read all about yer adventures. Gotta love it, and love YOU!

Anonymous said...

You knew when it was time to git and you're goin. That alone is pretty wise for a young chica like yourself.

Anonymous said...

YOU kill me! OMG, you make me laugh. I read your latest note aloud to TRex and we both laughed. It's so YOU. So happy to hear that you're living just what you were hoping for! Love you, Jode.....having trouble publishing my comment, you'll either get it 3 or 4 times or not at all.