Tuesday, September 2, 2008

my first theft :(

someone stole my freaking beach mat that i bought in greece!!!!!!!!! i mean, it was super cheap so its not a big loss, but i was REALLY looking forward to using it on my last leg of the trip when i do absolutely nothing at the beach for days on end.... so that was disappointing. at least they didn't steal anything of value i guess...... but still, its the point of it all. dang roomates!


Jack Jackson said...


Adrienne said...


Anonymous said...

hmmm...maybe it's a good excuse to get in touch with Agostino again? you do need a beautiful Greek thing to lie on the beach with...the towel I mean!

Anonymous said...

I agree with dineydine!! Go back to Greece and get another one! I wish I was there to launch and investigation of the mat caper!! :)

Stephen said...

I think we should do a full investigation into this mat caper. I vote with Susan!